ULS Resources
Scale | Regular Courses Quality Points | AP/DE/HR/IB Quality Points |
A = 100-90% | A = 4.0 | A = 5.0 |
B = 89-80% | B = 3.0 | B = 4.0 |
C = 79-70% | C = 2.0 | C = 3.0 |
D = 69-60% | D = 1.0 | D = 2.0 |
F = 59-0% | F = 0.0 | F = 0.0 |
- Please refer to the Athletics tab of this website for a listing of coaches per sport. Athletic eligibility forms (to be returned via upload only) and permission to bill forms are distributed to parents and athletes directly from individual coaches.
Contact Email
Phone Number
(225) 578-3221
Physical Address
LSU Laboratory School
45 Dalrymple Drive
Baton Rouge, Louisiana