After School Care
University Laboratory School offers an after-school care program for students in kindergarten through 5th grade. Cub Care is staffed by ULS teachers. Services are provided Monday through Friday from 3:30-5:30 p.m., except on early dismissal days or when school is closed.
Immediately after daily dismissal, Cub Care students are provided a snack and drink and enjoy play time on the school’s playground or social time (for older students) in the outside table area. After the snack break, students are escorted to a classroom where teachers supervise the completion of homework. Certified teachers review, reteach and direct students to “try again” until errors or misconceptions are all addressed during this homework period.
Once homework is completed, students have opportunities to participate in a variety of structured and unstructured activities such as walking adventures, arts activities, creative playtime and physical activities.
Enrollment is limited and is filled in the order in which all required documents and fees are submitted. To enroll, please submit an application along with the application fee and the first month’s tuition.